Warning: The following article contains mention of claims of sexual misconduct. Reader’s discretion is advised.

It seems with the ongoing outing of band members in the post-hardcore scene that no band, big or small, is safe from the current exodus. Bands like The Ghost Inside, Attila, and more are being faced with accusations of sexual abuse from past tour outings en masse. Now, Emarosa is in the spotlight, for all the wrong reasons. Vocalist Bradley Walden appeared lacking in remorse of his recent accusations, as he has purged his Twitter of all tweets aside from one retweet of wrestler John Cena saying: “Open your mind before your mouth.”

This behavior is indicates that Bradley is avoiding an immediate confrontation of the issue, which is not a good look. Other bands have taken allegations seriously, having promptly addressed their accusations with detailed statements and removals of band members, including Emarosa’s former record label mate Lotus Eater. That band is still on Hopeless Records, but Emarosa has reportedly been removed, a sign that this situation is being taken seriously by the label.

Unfortunately, this is far from the first band’s controversy, even if it might be their last. Emarosa has been plagued with problems for the majority of their lengthy lifespan. Their second vocalist, Jonny Craig, has been kicked out of bands left and right, and Emarosa was no exception. While the singer took part in two albums with the band, Relativity and a self-titled release, his issues with drugs and liability became too much, and he was ejected in 2011.

The band would struggle to find another vocalist until 2014, in which Versus was released, where Bradley would join the band after his previous work in Squid the Whale. It was during the time with Squid the Whale that the allegations took place. After Versus and 131, though, it was apparent that the previously post-hardcore sound was waning. It was already a departure from the band’s initial EP, This is your Way Out, which had vocalist Chris Roetter delivering mostly unclean vocals.

It was then that Bradley tweeted one of the most polarizing tweets in the history of the post-hardcore scene: “Post-hardcore Emarosa is dead.” Concise and final, this since-deleted tweet made the rounds and disappointed a lot of fans. Several bands have transitioned their sound without alienating their fanbase, which Bradley seemingly sought to do with this tweet. It was enough for some of the fans to drop off, as the ensuing pop, synth-pop, and pop rock album, Peach Club, would chart worse than the band’s 2016 effort, 131.

So where does Emarosa go from here? While Bradley is the only one accused in the current situation, were the other band members complacent in his actions? How many other instances of his alleged abuse have occurred, without public knowledge? Currently, there are not a lot of answers to any of these questions. The band had a successful stint going, but seems to be deterred by its kryptonite, the main vocalist. One has to wonder what could have been if Tilian Pearson, who filled in on a tour after Jonny Craig was kicked out, had stuck with the band. Ironically, he would go on to be the replacement for Jonny’s other band, Dance Gavin Dance. Nevertheless, Emarosa has fallen from grace and I doubt they can find a way back.

For anyone looking for abuse, harassment, or misconduct helplines here are some for those in the UK and US:

RAINN: www.rainn.org/

Victim Connect: victimconnect.org/

Crisis Text Line: www.crisistextline.org/

NHS: www.nhs.uk

Safeline: www.safeline.org.uk

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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