While games like Ring Fit Adventure and Fitness Boxing help gamers stay active while using their Switch, they cost a good amount of money. A new free fitness game, Jump Rope Challenge, is perfect for the stay-at-home society we find ourselves living in. Here are the details of how this game came to be.

Nintendo Switch Fitness Game Jump Rope Challenge

Developers working at Nintendo found themselves bored and looking to move a bit. So, what did they do? They built a game around it! Best of all, it’s free to play and really helps get the blood moving. The goal is simple: add quick and fun physical movement into your daily life. Players jump rope virtually and watch the on-screen counter increase with each successful hop! A friend can join in on the fun with another Joy-Con controller as you strive for a high score.

Because of the moderate physical activity involved, Nintendo suggests you stretch before playing. Likewise, there are some safety precautions to consider. Consult a doctor before playing if:

  • you are or may be pregnant
  • you have heart, respiratory, back, joint, or other orthopedic conditions
  • you have high blood pressure
  • you have difficulty with physical exercise or you have been instructed to restrict physical activity.

Nintendo also suggests you keep your activity within reasonable limits and avoid excessive exertion. The goal of a game like this isn’t to lose weight quickly or really get your heart rate up to its max. Honestly, a few minutes a day just help to use your muscles and move your body. There are a lot of us working from home who are having trouble getting up off our desks. This game could be a huge help to those looking to move a bit more in the coming months.

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