In a shocking turn of events, a fondly-remembered but unlikely beat-em-up, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game, has a chance to return. This has come about the night of May 20th, where Twitter user and creator @bryanleeomalley tweeted: “bring back the scott pilgrim game #bringbackthescottpilgrimgame #WatchWithTheAcademy“. Bryan is one of thousands who have called for the game to return to online stores after its de-listing at the end of 2014.

In the first bit of any modicum of correspondence, Ubisoft’s Twitter directly responded to this tweet with the thinking emoji. This absolutely bears some weight seeing as the Ubisoft account has 7.6 million followers, meaning this wasn’t a hush-hush announcement. It was meant for public eyes. It may be a bit tantalizing as there’s no concrete details of any kind, but it’s evident that they’re acknowledging the interest, which further mounted by several other tweeters expressing support for the cause.

The Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World game was a smashing success in its four years of being listed. It featured some unbelievable pixel art, rock-solid gameplay, and a soundtrack for the ages from Anamanaguchi. Of course, with other delisted games, if the player had the game downloaded prior to its delisting, it would remain on their system; unfortunately, most people haven’t touched their PS3’s or Xbox 360’s in several years, if they haven’t already sold them in favor of the current next-gen consoles.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game deserves to be back on the market, but it might be tricky to acquire due to licensing, soundtrack retention, and other factors. Aside from that, Ubisoft was in a spot where they had to delay most of their 2020 releases like Watch Dogs: Legion and Rainbow Six: Quarantine. So now it’s a question of if it’s a worthwhile investment for the company. Seeing as there’s red-hot interest in this game, though, we may very well see it in our future!

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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