Another week, another date with Twitch Prime for me, as I run down all that’s added this past week to Twitch Prime including the most recently added free game. Last week we saw the addition of Anna’s Quest, a rather dark point and click adventure aimed at kids. This week, it is a Doctor Who villain that made Nixon forget he had a major part in the Watergate scandal. Joking aside, we’ll get to the game later, first up we need to talk about the “loot” added this week.

Let’s start off with Teamfight Tactics & League of Legends, with the loot for the former ending this Tuesday. League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics have/will continue into the third of their assigned drops as far as we can see. Doing the same with all previous drops, League of Legends is offering a free permanent skin, while Teamfight Tactics is offering a little legends egg. The League of Legends skin offer ends on the 11th of June, and one would assume the Teamfight Tactics offer will end around the 20th of June as the current offer ends around the 20th of May.

For those wanting to play a bit of RuneScape, (either new or old-school) Twitch Prime is offering a 14-day membership with Prime subscriptions right now. Until the 16th of June you can claim your 14-day membership to both editions of RuneScape and play to your heart’s content, or until the membership runs out.

Warframe, that weird MMO first-person shooter thing I don’t understand, has moved on to its May loot drop. This month players can pick up the Avia Prime armor set, making you look like the Skulls from Metal Gear Solid V. The set comes with one chest plate, two shoulder plates, and 2 ankle plates. I mean, that leaves your skinny alien with breasts commando in battle, but sure. Along with the Avia set you can pick up the Ember Warframe, a Warframe slot, and Filigree decoration. The Avia offer ends on the 30th of June.

As for the bi-weekly mobile offerings, you can pick up a tier-4 mount chest, and a wizard gosphy tier-4 token for Black Desert Mobile. I think the only word I understood was mobile, and that came with hatred for the insipid little things. Much like I said in the month’s main article, the offer is bi-weekly and this one will end on the 26th of May. After that it will be followed by another offer that ends on the 9th of June.

On to another mobile thing with anime this time. Players of The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross can also pick up some useless toot bi-weekly. In the first of the offers, you can pick up ten amber keys, opening a lady’s bedroom only ten times. This offer ends on the 26th of May, with the following offer giving players one glass of Demon’s blood and one glass filled with water of life, otherwise known as coffee.

Players of Apex Legends will be happy that the new season has been out a while and they have found something to complain about. However, those with Prime will be able to pick up a skin for the newly added Loba. Her Game Master outfit is now available through Prime. This offer ends on the 18th of June.

In an effort to gain a larger player base, Bethesda this past weekend were offering players the chance to play Fallout 76 Wasterlanders for free. One would also assume they extended their deal with Amazon/Twitch Prime in an effort to lure those players into picking up the Wastelanders cosmetics deal on offer. The deal has been extended through to Friday May 22nd, for the one person still playing.

In addition to all those other things I personally couldn’t care about, those looking to get into World of Warships can do so with Twitch Prime’s Legends drop. You’ll start out with the battleship König, a 7-day premium account, and some boosters to catch you up to those who’ve been playing for a while. If you think that’s not enough to get you into the free-to-play game, you could also pick up the World of Warships starter pack before Tuesday. The starter pack offers just as toot in an effort of making you spend later to keep up with others.

It doesn’t end this week, though it is worth noting here at this moment, that you can currently get One Million Dollars in GTA Online with your Twitch Prime account. Similarly, with the current version available for free on the Epic Games Store, players can pick up the premium version of Grand Theft Auto V with one million dollars already added, totaling two million dollars. Sure, in a city filled with thieves, muggers, murders, and hoodlums all with private casinos filled with strippers painted gold; two million dollars will get you half a six-inch sub, but it is two million dollars.

Finally, the game for this week is a sequel to the 2009 game, The Whispered World. Silence: The Whispered World 2 (though you’d never know from marketing) is another point-and-click adventure from Daedalic Entertainment. This time you take control of a young woman called Renie who is lost in a realm of the living and the dead, while her brother Noah goes into this realm to save her. It is the usual small child, big scary world, pretty art mix you get with a point-and-click adventure. It is the type of thing my gran would play for hours.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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