WARNING! The video in this article contains profane language. Viewer discretion is advised!

Animal Crossing was released on March 20th to widespread critical acclaim and lots of love from fans. While it serves as a relaxing life simulator, it has also served other unconventional purposes in the turbulent past few months, as some are using it for graduation ceremonies, work meetings, and now large-scale music videos. Left Behind, a hardcore band that’s been busy as of late has released their video for “Waiting for the End” via the Pure Noise Records YouTube channel.

The dichotomy of the calm, easygoing Animal Crossing with Left Behind’s heavy tones and bleak lyricism, makes for an entertaining watch. The lyrics don’t stray from the hardcore norm, with lines like “I just want that first rush of not knowing when I’m coming home Never knowing what’s the next thing to come” and “Half the time I don’t know the date Can’t tell you where I’ve been Raining down, can’t see the road Going through the motions again.”

Scenes in the video depict a group of islanders hitting each other with nets, custom Left Behind art displayed on the ground, a mosh pit of islanders within a house, and so much more. It’s clear that while it may not be a big-budget video, it still required a lot of planning and effort to be so diverse and varied in execution. The popularity of the game extends not only to the casual gaming audience but even to the hardcore music community.

Will we see more music videos within video games? Just recently, a bevy of heavy bands performed at Block By Blockwest 2020, a virtual concert within Minecraft. However, it’s not just heavy music getting in on the fun; Travis Scott had a high-profile concert within Fortnite a few weeks back, which made smart use of the game’s boundaries, scale, etc. It’s safe to say we haven’t seen the last of the crossovers between video games and music performance.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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