WARNING! The video in this article contains profane language. Viewer discretion is advised!
Some musicians have taken to streaming live performances to stay afloat, but one of them has taken quite the successful alternate approach. Ronnie Radke, polarizing vocalist of Falling in Reverse and ex-Escape the Fate, has gone all-in with his Twitch streaming. In the past 30 days or so, he’s grown to more than 26,000 subscribers at the time of writing, and has several thousand concurrent viewers every day in his long streams.
In his streams, Ronnie tends to mainly play Call of Duty: Warzone and watch YouTube videos of his/related music. His fans are all for it, as he’s seemingly earned a thousands subscribers a day for the last month. Seeing as Ronnie’s streams stretch to around 8 hours, it has certainly stretched into full-time territory for him. Ronnie switches up the formula just enough to get return viewers, even if he isn’t spectacular at the games he plays, which is a noteworthy feat.
Now, let’s calculate. Barring Twitch’s cut, $5 multiplied by 25,000 subscribers is $125,000. That is what Ronnie will earn in May, before donations. I don’t speak for everyone, but that’s more money than I’ve seen in a few years of working. To say Ronnie has capitalized on the current events is a gross understatement. Raking in the fans that he’s amassed over the past decade has paid off in dividends, likely just as much if not more than he would be making performing with his band.
The question is: can he keep it up? Streaming to this many people has become a commitment. If he were to drop off on streaming at this rate, whether it be due to disinterest or the return of his band’s touring schedule; not only does he lose his fans’ investment, but their trust. Regardless, Ronnie is making the most of this unprecedented time, and shows no signs of slowing down as he continues to goal-seek with the next thousand in subs.
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