Warning Full Spoilers for the Episode “Old Friends Not Forgotten” Below 

It is no secret that Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ latest season has been very hit and miss. Some would even argue (myself included) that a few of the episodes felt a little unnecessary. Luckily, all that is thrown out the window with “Old Friends Not Forgotten” as this marks the beginning of the end. In that regard, can I just say, what a way to start the series finale.

The episode starts as the series began with a movie logo and a classic Star Wars wipe as seen in the “A Star Wars Story” series of films. There is no doubt about it, this is a new Star Wars movie in the making and it is only fitting that we end the series this way. “Old Friends Not Forgotten” has everything that makes Star Wars special; action, suspense, charming characters and overall an emotional adventure.

The episode starts off in the same way as the original animated film, with Anakin and Obi-Wan being pinned down by the droid army defending a city. From the very start of the episode this finale feels larger than life and the opening fight rivals any battle in the live-action films. Anakin walks onto the battle field alone amidst a barrage of blaster fire, only to trick the enemies into a false sense of security. He does this, in order to bring the commander out and take the advantage in the fight.

After the fight, Obi-Wan and Anakin are called to the command ship to find that Ahsoka is waiting to meet them and bring them to Mandalore. Here is where the episode got me a little misty eyed. Seeing how excited Anakin was to see his old Padawan is great. The emotional beats continue with how she blows him off to get to the meat of the matter. You can just see the anger and hurt in Anakin’s face.

Ahsoka is able to convince Obi-Wan to send a small amount of Clones to Mandalore with Ahsoka among them, and once the action starts it doesn’t stop. Seeing the beautiful explosions as Ahsoka makes her way down to the surface is amazing. Watching her fight to free the people of Mandalore was heart-poundingly intense and the friendly banter between Rex and Ahsoka was funny and heartfelt.

The trust and the bonding between these two was so well done. In fact, it is done to the point that if someone began watching here, they could feel the deep connection with these two and feel just how much they went through together.

Earlier this season we had a strictly action oriented episode with the third episode of the “Bad Batch” arc and that was a bit of a snooze fest. Here however, the overall action was complemented with some great emotional moments. The feeling of the end coming closer, is palpable.

Old Friends Not Forgotten is light on story, but does an admirable job in pulling Clone Wars out of the rut that the last few episodes put it in. Forgetting about the Martez sisters and focusing on the big picture that is the end of The Clone War is important. This episode takes place concurrently to the events of Revenge of the Sith, so it was sad to see that the last interaction Ahsoka had with her old master was bitter sweet.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars





  • Subtle emotional moments
  • Adrenaline Filled fun
  • A great start to the end of the series


  • Light on Story

Jaydyn Spisak

Secluded up in the Great White North in his tiny Iglo, Jaydyn has been passionately playing games for over a decade. Throughout the years Jaydyn has accumulated a deep knowledge on the video game industry and is often referred to as "The Harry Potter Encylopedia" This is his first job in the industry.

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