WARNING! The video in this article contains explicit language. Viewer discretion is advised
It’s rare that bands reach out to us all the way from the other side of the world, but Greek band BLACK SUN ΩMEGA did just that. They sent us a press release for their album, The Sum of All Fears, with ample introduction to the brand new band. Coined as “thrash metal with core & death metal elements blended in,” I had a good feeling I’d enjoy what I heard, as these make up three of my most-listened genres.
The leading single off of The Sum of All Fears, BLACK SUN ΩMEGA start off with quite the complex thrash riff. At first, I thought it might have been an odd time signature, but I realized after a replay that the guitarist implements a string of third-notes to throw the listener off. The ensuing riff sounds like the best bits of Anthrax, Exodus, Testament, and the other greats of the genre with in-your-face vocals and no signs of slowing down.
The song was mixed by Nick Gotsis and Mastered by Yannis Kamarinos, both doing a stand-up job in bringing out each instrument and clearing up the harsh vocals. I particularly enjoyed the tapping section in the chorus. The bridge begs the listener to “fight back” before a shredding solo cements the track’s metal roots, with clear-cut influence from the aforementioned legends ringing true from start to finish.
I like what BLACK SUN ΩMEGA has to offer so far; having an album ready to present to new listeners sure beats just a single or an EP. There’s plenty of talent at hand to stoke the young band’s potential, it’s all a matter of getting the word out, as the band only has 21 Spotify listeners and this video’s view count sits at 385. Hopefully more people catch wind of BLACK SUN ΩMEGA, with “Fightback” as their entry point!
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