This week has been a mixed bag for news. Monday, I covered Hellpoint‘s delayed release while Abdul covered the Fallout 76: Wastelanders DLC trailer release. Tuesday, I spoke about the ESRB and PEGI including Loot Box warnings in new ratings, and Taylor spoke about something happening with Crysis. Wednesday I spoke about Meeple Station coming out of Early Access, David spoke of the Steam games Festival this summer, and Taylor covered the Superman & Suicide Squad leaked art. Then Thursday, I spoke about the announcement of F1 2020 and its new game mode.

Let’s dig into the free games available on the Epic Games Store this week. The first of which has no subtlety, and if it did, it would be farting and leaving a large brown mark in a lift with a nun. Just Cause 4, the latest in the series about the word “explosions” being the answer to everything, is free to pick up and keep. There’s some irony in the fact that it is on the storefront that people hate for the same reason that I hate my neighbors, Just Cause! Instantly you’ll know if you would like this series. It’s not a heavy hitter in terms of being a blockbuster game, but it does have a weird camp B-movie feel to it that I’m sure some love.

The second game is far less popular, known as Wheels of Aurelia. I can almost see why too; the point of Wheels of Aurelia is to learn about the character of Lella, as both of you are taken through the winding roads of Italy. I didn’t say you do any of that work, because from the get-go you aren’t in control. All you do is decide what Lella thinks via boxes of text that tell you a little about her desires. If anything you play as the narrator early on, and you somewhat gain control of the car she’s driving. However, until the race sections, there’s not really much to do as a player.

If you were in control of the car from the get-go, and had to focus on text while dodging traffic, there might have been something to note. Though there’s very little to talk about when it comes to Wheels of Aurelia. I don’t want to damn a game without giving it a proper chance to give an impression. Sadly, there’s very little to impress me with.

Just Cause 4 and Wheels of Aurelia are free on the Epic Games Store until the 23rd of April. I’d suggest picking them both up, if not for now, then for when you feel like playing the narrator or when you want to blow up an island in the sun with the help of extreme weather effects.

Next week will be a strange one, as Epic (so far) has said it will be the only game for next week. They’re offering For the King, something Alexx played for a review several months back. It was also part of the Twitch Prime games at one point after that. I may have an easy week next week, but given Epic’s track record of disappointing me by adding a game partway through the week, I doubt it. Join us next week, when I probably make all the complaints Alexx does in his review and more.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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