WARNING! The video embedded in this article contains profanity. Reader discretion is advised.
Once again, YouTube’s flawed content review system has done a serious injustice, as it has taken down music YouTuber Jared Dines’ “Metal screaming doesn’t take talent” video. While the title of this video sounds a bit confrontational, it is ironic and all in good fun, as it featured Jared asking several metal fans to display their abilities with their best “metal scream.” No one in the video felt alienated or bullied, so YouTube’s removal is errant and nonsensical.
In an email sent to Dines, there was an obstruction of its “Community Guidelines” and this particular video was manually flagged for review. This means that, according to YouTube, a human looked at the video and determined that it “violated guidelines” and warranted removal. There is no explanation as to what part of the Community Guidelines this may have violated, as several other videos like this exist.
I greatly suspect that this was an automated action that took place, as, after a look at these Community Guidelines, there really isn’t anything within this video that signifies to me that it deserves to be removed from YouTube. While some videos use copyrighted songs, depict graphic violence, or actually display active bullying, this straightforward video gets the can. Thankfully, Jared has the option to appeal this decision, but there’s no guarantee that this 10-million views video will be restored.
Something needs to be done to ensure this stops happening. Jared Dines is far from the first person to suffer from YouTube’s awful reporting system, and YouTube is not the only platform that makes these damaging mistakes on an astronomical basis. Here’s hoping that “Metal screaming doesn’t take talent” sees the light of day when all is said and done, as it was a hysterical look into an old adage in the genre that earned millions of views through harmless humor.
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