The Bunny Day event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is driving players mad with an overabundance of eggs everywhere. Like seriously, everywhere you fish, chop, and dig: eggs.

There are a lot of fun items to craft and outfits to assemble with the Bunny Day eggs, but it’s overshadowed by so many people online pointing out how obnoxious the system is this time around. There are eggs in floating presents, in holes and rocks, and even disguised as fish. I’m about one item away from completing my Bunny Day collection and it’s been a trudge.

A lot of New Horizons players like myself enjoy the timed events. Things like cherry blossoms and new insects to catch for Spring make the game worth playing daily. The Bunny Day concept is great too, and provides room to add seasonal furniture and accessories into the game naturally. The problem is the number of eggs everywhere. It’s not hard to accumulate the number of eggs you need. In the same vein, you obtain the recipes quite quickly with a little grind. So why am I still finding 15 eggs for every fish I catch on my island?

I’m far from the only person frustrated; social media is full of people hating on these eggs. It’s a little funny to see people so worked up over Easter eggs, but nevertheless, it’s poorly organized. If this is the future of other Animal Crossing: New Horizons events, players are going to be annoyed to the point of exhaustion. There’s not a complex solution to this: just make the eggs a little less prevalent. There’s no way to make money on fishing right now and eggs are taking up resource spots in rocks.

We all love Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I mean, not everyone, but most people really enjoy the game. As with many Nintendo games, the little annoyances can be enough to get people turned against the game. Hopefully changes come before that occurs.

Editor’s note: Following the time of writing this article, Nintendo released a patch “Balancing” egg drops. For more on the, check out Eurogamer’s article here.

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