Warning: This article is not suitable for minors. Readers Discretion is Advised.

Rule 34 of the internet: Everything is pornography. Have you been on that thing? It is just filled with the stuff, breasts, penii, anuses, and politicians; you can’t move for it, and those emails about making your gentleman’s vegetable longer are just a very small part of the internet. However, with that rule that may have caused you to finish that box set of the first five seasons of Pornography, there is a dark world which none of us hope to know about. There is a world out there of every video game character you can think of, yes him too, has been drawn, animated, or 3D printed nude.

While Mario’s carpet does match those bushy drapes, some of us wish we never knew that. Some of us wish that the internet stopped at all those videos of cats intentionally being the worst thing and karma coming back moments later. Sadly we have the reality where people use the internet to create mods, and share them. They are the furry version of whatever Agony was and Succubus will be. It is happening again, as House Party and Animal Crossing: New Horizons crossover in a new mod.

Some of you may remember House Party as one of the many games removed from Steam for being… too risque. It would later return as something for YouTubers to gawk at while blurring out the nipples, anuses, penii, and countless shots of women doing an Alien facehugger impression with their genitals. It was the pornographic version of what Hatred sparked in 2015, and it is one of the few games outright banned on Twitch. Now, two weeks following release, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been modded into many other games. Including classic Doom and more recently the Resident Evil 3 Remake.

Doing nothing more than crudely adding the heads of Animal Crossing characters to the heads of the normal NPCs, it is a very low-rent affair. However, if you want to play a game where you get to have sex with Blathers, this is the mod for you. Though do be warned, he may keep you up all night. Though for those that have coulrophilia, you’ll want to bed Pietro instead.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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