As Rainbow Six Siege enters its fifth year, it continues its success, promising six new operators and plenty of reworking and revamping in 2020 to ensure the game is well-balanced and is still fun to play. I have been with the game on and off since its release in 2016 and have seen its highs and lows, including Operation Health fixing some (but not all) issues and Operation Chimera completely changing the game’s pace.
Year five season one is entitled “Void Edge,” and introduces the clone-drone attacker Iana, along with the charging defender Oryx. These two operators look to once again change the meta of the game, with Iana confusing the on-edge defenders and Oryx bum-rushing the methodically slow-paced attackers. I was eager to get into this op but was stalled by an unwelcome surprise: a gargantuan 70-gigabyte download.
This update is the largest for the game in its half-decade of existence. It is meant as a consolidation of data, according to the developers, but it’s equivalent to just downloading the entire game in the first place. There is a large amount of content that is ever-expanding, but this means that every player is going to have to put time aside to be able to play. Those with lower download speeds will have to wait several hours, and data caps are sure to be threatened in a month where more people than ever are at home.
Nevertheless, I’m going to bite the bullet and perform this download overnight, since it is projected to take two hours for me if I’m lucky enough to not have any hiccups. The uPlay downloader is about on par with the speeds of Steam’s downloads, so this really boils down to being a first-world problem. Are you excited for Void Edge? Excited enough to make this sacrifice of time/data to experience Iana and Oryx? Let us know in the comments below!