Through the night, rumors had begun to spread of an E3 cancellation, something stoked by the fire that is Devolver Digital. The renowned publisher is known for its off-color humor and anti-E3 showcase that started only a couple of years ago now. This came after the news last week that the event was still going ahead, with the organizers saying it was still full speed ahead and planning was still going on. Though many have taken Devolver’s word for it with a tertiary tweet telling those in attendance to cancel their planned trips.
Cancel your E3 flights and hotels, y’all.
— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) March 11, 2020
Of course, one should take this with a grain of salt until anything official is announced. At the time of writing, there has not been an announcement by the ESA, the Entertainment Software Association, who organize the event yearly. However, a report by Ars Technica states that the official announcement will come later today if at all. The site’s source is not a person within the ESA, though is reportedly in contact with members of the body itself who have allegedly stated the announcement of the cancellation would have been yesterday, though something fell through.
As the report by Ars Technica’s Sam Machkovech says, without the official announcement or reply by the ESA, there is no confirmation of the supposed cancellation. One might assume the event could be delayed until later in the year, though this would be a last-ditch effort to keep the venue. If the event moves from the L,A Convention Center this year, this would mean the event would be held in the fourth venue ever to hold the event, with Georgia’s World Congress Center holding the event in ’97 and ’98. As well as the 2007 venue being Santa Monica Airport of all places.
The only other option following that would be to do as the Formula 1 organizers and the Bahrain government plan to do this year. The race event held on the 22nd of March will go ahead as scheduled, though all spectators who planned to attend have been told they will not be allowed entry to the event. This is an unlikely scenario, but could be the only way to keep the event in the center and keep the presentations going as scheduled. The last resort would be canceling the event and those that planned to host showcases do so in a “Nintendo Direct” and Sony “State of Play” sense.
Editor’s Note: In the hours following the publication of this article, the official announcement of cancelation had been made by the event organizers.
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