The news that Image Comics’ legendary anti-hero Spawn has been confirmed to be on his way to NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal Kombat 11 has been available for some time now. Spawn is the sixth and final fighter to be added to MK11’s roster as part of its DLC “Kombat Pack.” He’s far from the only guest character to be added in this pack, however. Spawn joins the fray alongside one of the various iterations of The Terminator, as well as DC Comics’ Joker. That’s not even mentioning the three Mortal Kombat staple characters who are also available in the pack, namely Sindel, Nightwolf, and Shang Tsung.

As of February 21st, however, we now have our first look at how Spawn will likely appear in MK11 thanks to a tweet from the character’s creator, Todd McFarlane. In said tweet, McFarlane reveals a new Spawn action figure meant to release sometime in March 2020. The images of this action figure provided by McFarlane serve as at least a hint as to how Spawn will be decked out in the game. Surprising no one, he looks quite similar to how he’s looked in the majority of his comics, which is absolutely fine by me.

Some among our readers might know that Spawn’s inclusion in Mortal Kombat 11 isn’t his first foray into the fighting game scene as a guest character. He was, after all, included as a guest combatant in the Xbox version of Soul Calibur II, a game which contained a unique guest character based on the console for which it was intended. I personally never owned an Xbox, which means I never had the opportunity to experience what it was like to play as Spawn within the context of Soul Calibur II.

The notion that I was unable to find out how Spawn played in a much older (and, more importantly, much less violent) title, however, makes me significantly excited to find out how he’ll play within the realm of Mortal Kombat. After all, NetherRealm Studios are absolutely no strangers to including legions of guest characters in their various fighting games; based on the move set they gave DC Comics’ Joker in MK11, I’m sure they’ll take advantage of their likely free reign to experiment with how brutal they can make Spawn’s various customizable play styles.

For those of you who find yourselves chomping at the bit to play as Spawn once he’s available, just as I am, I should mention that MK11’s Kombat Pack will currently cost you $39.99. I happened to buy it during the most recent Steam Winter Sale, when it was discounted to what I feel is a much more digestible asking price, but that’s neither here nor there. Purchasing the pack will grant you immediate access to Spawn once the update that includes him in the roster is added to the game, which is slated to occur on March 17th, 2020.

Alternatively, if you’d rather not buy the entire pack for the sake of acquiring all the content (or should I say “kontent?”) present therein, you should theoretically be able to purchase Spawn individually once he’s available, provided I’m not mistaken. However, bear in mind that you may have to wait a few days after March 17th for him to become purchasable outside of the main Kombat Pack. For example, if I remember correctly, DC’s Joker was made available to owners of the Kombat Pack on January 28th, 2020, and then subsequently made individually purchasable on February 4th.

On a final note, dear reader, there’s something I consider quite important to which I’d like to direct your attention before I sign off. In case you might be unaware, one of my esteemed colleagues and I began operating the official Phenixx Gaming YouTube channel at the end of this past January. I’ve already uploaded two videos on MK11 so far, the second of which centers entirely on DC’s Joker. I’m most assuredly planning to do another such video centered on Spawn once he’s available. Beyond that, I might make an entire series out of my experiences with Mortal Kombat 11 as a whole. Keep an eye out for more MK content on our channel if you’re so inclined!

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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