I think one of my favorite gaming stories to play out in the last few years is the Star Wars Battlefront 2 debacle. At first, the game launched to universally furious distain for its use of microtransactions and a play-to-win mechanism. Then, slowly but surely, DICE and EA turned Battlefront 2 into my favorite multiplayer FPS in recent memory. I’ve given them plenty of props, as have others. So, with Star Wars Battlefront 2 redeemed in players’ eyes, what’s next for the series?

There’s not real sign that Battlefront 3 is in the works as of yet. I wouldn’t really expect it to be, given the insane amount of content we’ve seen come to Battlefront 2 post-launch. Lucasfilms Games is in the driver’s seat as far as Star Wars games are concerned now, after EA sort of botched the greatest gift in the universe; the right to the Star Wars IP.

I think given the successes of Battlefront 2 after its rocky start and Jedi Fallen Order, EA might finally be getting the Star Wars thing right. That is to say, two successful projects don’t make it a successful project for the publisher. In fact, I loved Battlefront 2 and Jedi Fallen Order and would still rather see the license get shared among developers. Keep Battlefront with DICE, but let’s see other companies take a stab at the Star Wars universe.

EA’s deal as sole owner of the Star Wars IP in gaming goes until 2023. From there, I would highly doubt we’ll see another deal. As reported last year, EA is sort of focused on their own IPs for the foreseeable future. Does that change with the success of Jedi Fallen Order? Maybe.

Honestly, it might be best for Disney, who owns Star Wars, to shop around. In my wildest dreams, we’d see different developers bid on the rights to Star Wars games. Essentially, it’s going to be impossible, because any publisher is going to want exclusive control of the content.

I think a lot is going to start happening as we see the new console generation roll out for Microsoft and Sony. The rights will release from EA just as the Xbox Series X and PS5 are in the middle of their lifespan, and companies will start working on titles for those consoles much sooner than that.

Do you want to see EA keep the Star Wars license? Do you think we’ll get another Star Wars Battlefront game from DICE? Let us know in the comments!

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1 Comment

  • HamSlice

    February 17, 2020 - 11:44 am

    With the exception of Fallen Order the rest of the Star was games under EA have been disappointing IMO. It’s hard for me to go back to a game I played at release that I didn’t like to begin with. So I’ll take your word that it’s improved tremendously (BF2) but I’ve moved on. As we age our gaming time decreases mine is very important to me if I was a teen again I’d play anything and be happy because all I had was time. Now because of companies like EA, Bethesda and others I wait for reviews. I don’t have the time to waste on poorly optimized or broken at launch games. Something we’ve seen far too much over the last decade. So yes I cant wait for Star Wars IP to fall in to more capable hands. Who’s hands I don’t know since most of the devs today release broken games.

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