I think a lot of people were surprised to see the Xbox Series X, a brand new Microsoft console, revealed at last year’s Game Awards. For one, the awards are usually about achievements and upcoming games. Instead, Phil Spencer shocked gaming fans when the new Xbox was presented. Rumors about the Xbox reveal were circulating, but not for a Game Awards reveal. The real surprise isn’t the Xbox Series X, however, but the bold moves Spencer and the Xbox team are making this console cycle.
Phil Spencer, in a recent appearance on Gamertag Radio, said the plan this time around is to do things differently. It’s no lie that the Xbox One is a disappointing turn for the company. Still, Spencer believes a few key moves are going to make a huge difference. The start of everything was the Game Awards reveal, and Spencer didn’t feel 100% sure things would go well: “The response has been great, but to be completely honest with you…it could have been a disaster” Spencer commented.
I think a big part of Xbox’s appeal is the way fans feel about the experience. Games are clearly in Sony’s favor at the moment, but things like Game Pass and xCloud are going to be game changers. Another huge element to the bold new plan? Japanese games and audiences. Sony has a hold on Japanese console gamers, but new interest from Japanese devs and increased holds on the market help Microsoft to have a fighting chance in the next console cycle.
Something I find refreshing as an Xbox fan is the approach to new consoles that appears to be playing out. With a Series S likely, gamers can choose the price point and experience they want. It helps Xbox stay competitive, and allows gamers to play what they love to play, in a way they want to play it. For now, we wait for more Xbox Series X news. At the very least, optimism seems to be high in the Microsoft offices and fan base.
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