Apex Legends released out of nowhere a full year ago and has since become a huge success for Respawn and EA. Now, the game is kicking off its anniversary with the start of Season 4: Assimilation.

In the weeks leading up to the Season 4 reveal, Apex Legends heavily pointed to the inclusion of Jimmie “Forge” McCormick, a brawler type character that, even in-universe, was hyped up to be joining the Apex Games. He was to represent Hammond Robotics, who if Titanfall stans remember, is the company that produced the titular Titanfalls. According to PC Gamer, based on leaked information from That1MiningGuy, he was going to be a melee-oriented character, which is rather unorthodox for a shooter, let alone a battle-royale.

Then the Up Close and Personal clip released, showing Forge getting murdered by Revenant, the actual new legend character. Players can actually find the spot where he died and even rob his death box to get a commemorative token. Currently, it’s unknown whether all the Forge hype and information was a big prank to make Revenant’s appearance a surprise, or if he’s going to come back at some later date. After all, death doesn’t seem to be a permanent thing in the Titanfall universe, especially where Revenant is concerned.

So, Revenant. He’s a robotic assassin that previously appeared as the narrator for the Fight or Fright event, and after gleefully narrating over acts of carnage, he gets to join in himself. The following information is based on a PC Gamer article discussing leaked information by iLootGames back in December, so I’ll only mention stuff that seems to line up with the trailer. Going in line with his abilities as an assassin, Revenant seems to climb better than the other heroes as a passive, giving him an edge in mobility.

The rumored ability list has a bunch of actives, but either Poison Bomb which damages and slows enemies, or Silence, a skill preventing ability use are plausible. The gameplay trailer doesn’t really communicate how the active Revenant uses disables his enemies. His suggested Ultimate is Death Recall, which places down a totem that turns everyone in the team into the shadowy creatures from Fight or Fright; instead of getting downed or killed, anyone that runs out of health during the duration of the ultimate returns to the totem. Of course, this is all an educated guess as I’m writing this a day before the new season starts, so don’t be surprised if Revenant diverges from the rumors.

Remember Hammond Robotics? Well, the World’s Edge map has changed this season, on account of Hammond Robots smashing a huge planet harvester in the ground. Besides adding one huge building to the map, the harvester created fissures that ripped apart much of the city portion of World’s Edge, dividing it up with huge lava pits. Thankfully, falling into them doesn’t mean death, as the pressurized air can launch players like the map’s geyser in return for some health, making it a risky way to escape fights.

Also, of course, what’s a new season without a battle pass? The costumes in the battle pass seem to go along with Revenant’s appearance, showing off cybernetic limbs in the case of Wraith and Wattson, or just mimicking his aesthetic like Lifeline’s new costume. I guess there’s a new gun. It’s another sniper rifle, who cares. With these fresh changes, Apex Legends is continuing to go strong into a new year. The new updates should be ready to download by now, so it’s about time to go out and see what the new season has to offer.

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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