Dragalia Lost, the Nintendo-published Cygames mobile gacha game, is no stranger to crossovers. With that being said, the last event, a Mega Man themed crossover, was somewhat underwhelming in that it didn’t do much beyond embodying aesthetics. However, another Capcom property, Monster Hunter, has started a crossover with Dragalia Lost with its Primal Crisis event and succeeds in being a more faithful crossover.
An airship from a Hunter Guild flew through a crack in reality and managed to land in the Dragalia Lost world. The main Dragalia cast, as well as the side units Berserker and Vanessa, discover the otherworld refugees and are enamored by the culture they come from. In particular, Vanessa loves the Felyne that accompanies the Hunter Guild crew and Berserker really really really wants to fight Monster Hunter creatures. He’s in luck, because both an iconic monster hunter creature called Rathalos, and an endgame monster known as Fatalis have also ripped their way into the Dragalia Lost world for players to fight.
Within the event, the game’s aesthetics change to be more in line with Monster Hunter. Text boxes and iconography change to resemble Monster Hunter’s while Dragalia‘s J-pop music is replaced by Monster Hunter music, with the main page having the cozy rest camp theme. The writing of the story portions of the event is surprisingly kinda fun, especially with Berserker embodying a fight hungry Monster Hunter player.
For a game with no real discernible characters, I thought the interactions Dragalia‘s cast had with the generic Monster Hunter NPCs were cute, especially when they got hyped over stuff from Monster Hunter‘s world. It’s not cutting edge, but it sure is more than what the Mega Man event offered.
The Rathalos fight is a standard boss battle that can be played solo, while the Fatalis fight is a raid battle that has you cooperating with three other players with full teams. Unusually, both fights have no particular elemental affinity, which encourages players to experiment around outside of the usual elemental based team compositions. If you’re a new player, like a Monster Hunter player getting drawn in by the crossover, the event is a good time to jump in because it gives a lot of elemental materials that can help level facilities and characters a lot out of the gate.
Though, flame character teams will benefit more from the event. You can trade in the Rathalos scales for powerful fire-attributed weapons, while the Fatalis themed weapons have no attribute and may not be helpful in the long-run. The only downside to these weapons is that their connected buff only affects the damage you do in these specific fights and thus will presumably have no unique buff after the event is over.
So, how about the gacha? The new, limited-time adventurers for the event are Hunter Berserker and Hunter Vanessa. Continuing its tribute to Monster Hunter, they’re decked in Rathalos and Kirin armor respectively. Both characters have unique force strikes that can be charged up, and are in line with the flashier moves from Monster Hunter.
They also have passives that give them higher critical rates against debuffed enemies. This version of Berserker is a fire-sword character that has an attack that can slightly reduce enemy defense along with a skill that increases the power of his next force strike; he can also completely resist sleep and his force strike can’t be interrupted.
Hunter Vanessa in the meantime is a light-lance user that has a move that paralyzes enemies and a brief 3-second shield which, if destroyed, gives her a huge power boost, which encourages careful timing. She can also completely resist curse and her force strike debuffs enemies it hits. In general, they introduce unusual new mechanics and can synergize nicely with characters that can debuff defense.
While the Rathalos can easily be obtained through farming the event, the Fatalis can only be obtained through the gacha. Much like the adventurers, the Fatalis has its own unusual mechanic. On top of a 30% boost to strength, the Fatalis also boosts it a further 50%.
However, if you use shapeshift, the character you’re using will be inflicted with a curse for the rest of the level, regardless of element or immunity. This drawback is somewhat of a reference to the cursed nature of the Fatalis. In fact, parallels between the Fatalis and world-ending powers of other elder dragons can be drawn with Dragalia Lost’s backstory, now that I think about it.
At the time of writing, there’s still more to the event that hasn’t been shown off yet. There’s a story locked scene and the Primal Crisis gacha currently says “part 1,” implying that there’s going to be another banner to summon on. Though given the promotional event art shows the player character and another character, Sarisse, decked in Monster Hunter gear as well, it’s not out of the question to assume Hunter versions of those characters are also coming.
Overall, the Primal Crisis event is pretty neat and offers a lot of rewards to players, making it a good time to jump into Dragalia Lost. The event doesn’t end until February 16th, so there’s plenty of time to get in.
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