AGDQ may be over, but the pursuit of speedruns never stops. Even in seemingly stagnant scenes, speedrunning is vibrant, and yesterday, a seemingly untouchable record was finally topped. Yesterday, the world record for the Nintendo 64 version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was finally surpassed.
MrCheeze, a YouTuber that’s partially known for finding glitches in Legend of Zelda games to aid in speedruns, discovered a new glitch on the 3rd that allows players to skip straight to Ocarina of Time‘s end credits after performing an intricate set of inputs to manipulate the game’s code. While this initial discovery was tool-assisted, it shows that there’s a potential for a real person to imitate it. Lo and behold, on the 15th, he managed to recreate the glitch on actual Nintendo 64 hardware.
With that, the floodgates were open. According to, the first submitted Nintendo 64 run taking advantage of the glitch was by a runner going by Savestate. Clocking in at 16 minutes and 9 seconds, the speedrun beat the previous record by 2 whole minutes. The previous record was 18 minutes and 10 seconds by Narcissa Wright, whose record was previously undefeated for 5 years.
Savestate is not the number one runner. That honor goes to a runner going by Lozoots, who far surpassed both of them. Their first recorded attempt at beating the world record with the new glitch clocked in at 13 minutes and 48 seconds, vastly improving on Savestate’s attempt. Note that I said “first recorded attempt.” After taking the long sought after crown, Lozoots made further attempts to optimize the run. A mere hour before writing this on Thursday, January 17th, Lozoots took the record down to 12 minutes and 32 seconds, breaking the previously seen as impossible 13-minute barrier and presenting the once unthinkable possibility of crossing the 12 minute barrier.
The state of the Nintendo 64 version of Ocarina of Time speedrunning has pretty much changed overnight. Heck, it may possibly change before this article gets posted and the video above becomes obsolete. It really goes to show you that some runs are never truly set in stone.
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