It’s not everyday a game hits on every single cylinder. A lot of times, a game might have great gameplay, but is lacking in the sound department. Other times, the visuals are outstanding, but the game itself isn’t all that fun to play. Then, when you’re lucky, you find a game that does it all. I listen to music nearly all day while I’m working, and a few soundtracks made me think about how timeless games live on in our lives through music. When it comes to music in gaming, the experience of enjoying playing something goes hand in hand with the atmosphere of your time in-world. A huge part of that aesthetic is music, and these five soundtracks are some of the few I find myself thinking of regularly, even when not gaming!

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time isn’t just the best Zelda game for its impeccable world design and dungeon construction. The game’s soundtrack is as good as it gets, and while Majora’s Mask is up there in terms of memorable tracks, the “Princess Zelda” theme and “Lon Lon Ranch” pop into my head more than I’d like to admit.

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country succeeded by being a game you totally lost yourself in. Some platformers are fun, but this game and its subsequent entries in the series were on another level. Tracks like “Life in the Mines” and “Lockjaw’s Saga” featured fast BPMs for edge of your seat action. The game’s soundtrack is yet to be bested in its specific game genre.


In 2012, everyone fell in love with Journey. The game even garnished a Grammy nomination for best soundtrack for visual media. The game as of late gets flack for being a little less life changing than we acted like it was, but the soundtrack deserves all the praise. From the “Final Confluence” to “Apotheosis,” the game’s music is just as captivating as its’ visuals.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

An epic like Skyrim at this point is past the point of meme life. Yes, the game released on countless consoles and platforms. With that being said, it’s an incredible title. The music of the game is capped off by a 30+ choir who excel in building atmosphere and intensity in all the right moments. From the “Dragonborn” theme to the finale of “Wind Guide You,” the Skyrim soundtrack, like the entire game, is a feat likely to be unmatched for decades to come.

Chrono Trigger

1995’s Chrono Trigger is a favorite of RPG fans. I mean, the game is still being regularly streamed to this day. The soundtrack to the epic Square game is dreamy in its presentation and is the perfect way to track a tale spanning over 65 million years. The game is still a favorite of mine, but its soundtrack was something well beyond its time.

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