It’s a new year in a new decade, folks. Phenixx Gaming is back from its holiday hiatus, but along with it is the hot online gaming event, Awesome Games Done Quick. Starting yesterday, the first Awesome Games Done Quick of the decade will be running until the 11th, showcasing speedrunning skills for a good cause.
A large variety of games, from platformers to shooters, from triple-A to indie, are being shown off, giving a little something for everyone. If you’re looking for something specific, you can check out the event’s official schedule. Get into that hot new game, The Outer Worlds? A speedrunner named Shiro’s aiming to crush that game within 25 minutes later today. Do you play Super Mario Maker 2 or are one of those people that were really into the showcases for the first game in the past? That game’s making a big race debut on the event’s last day.
There’s a lot to see, so it’s always worth tuning in; especially late at night, where more niche and stranger choices like Wild Animal Sports Day are showcased. If you miss out on a run, don’t worry too much. Run recordings are typically posted to the organization’s official YouTube channel within days, so you can always binge through the stuff you like afterwards.
AGDQ 2020 is not only the first AGDQ of the decade. It also marks the 10th anniversary of Games Done Quick as a whole. The first Games Done Quick event was run by the Speed Demos Archive, a website dedicated to speedruns, and was originally dubbed “Classic Games Done Quick.” While it lacks the professionalized nature and flair that helps define GDQ today, the first event succeeded in raising around $10,000 for CARE, an international humanitarian organization.
Since 2011, the AGDQ events have been raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, which is a non-profit dedicated to cancer research and prevention. Last year’s Awesome Games Done Quick earned $2,425,790 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. As every GDQ event has topped the last in terms of money raised, it won’t be surprising if that number gets topped. At the time of writing (the start of LiquidSquid’s Bomberman Hero run), about $140,000 has been raised. If you want to see that number grow higher and support good causes, consider tuning into AGDQ and donating.
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