Okay, not to burst your bubble, but there’s not any news or confirmation of Grand Theft Auto VI. That being said, we’ll likely see it this next console generation.

There are too many great moments in Grand Theft Auto V to not want another sequel in the series as a fan. As a game company like Rockstar, there’s no financial reason not to make GTA VI either. To be honest, it’s just a matter of the game getting created. So, what can we expect from the game? GTA V was a huge step forward from IV, and the online experience was insanely popular. It’s a paradox, but how do you improve on a perfect game?

We can nitpick GTA V all we want, but it’s essentially perfect. The heists, the story, the three protagonist method of narrative exploration: it’s all great. The fact that you can swap to a character and see them up to their own shenanigans is so fun. That’s why I don’t think Rockstar will change this method. We’ll likely see new characters and a new setting, but why not keep the multiple protagonist format?

It’s unlikely we’ll get Grand Theft Auto VI before 2021. My best guess would be somewhere around 2023. That gives Rockstar a chance to briefly announce they’re working on it this next year. Next, they’ll show content in 2021 and 2022, leading up to a big reveal for 2023. That’ll be three years into the new cycle of consoles. By then, we’ll have a new Elder Scrolls on our hands as well – hopefully.

Why hype up a series that has no confirmed game in the works? Frankly, there’s no series quite like Grand Theft Auto. The Red Dead Redemption sequel proved that Rockstar will take their time to do something right. Without a new full game release for the PS4/Xbox One era, we’re likely getting the next game this time around. Considering the historic run of GTA V, I think a look ahead to the future is worth it. Not to mention, speculation is one hell of a ride.

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