When it comes to public figures making statements that are said to be controversial; I’m starting to think, if you are going to do it, go hard. Say that the baby Jesus traveled through time, stole Hitler’s left testicle, and used it to create what the American’s call “Soccer.” More controversially you could say, Stalin was a failed clone of some video game boss that dies in three hits. Or, to take it to its logical conclusion of stupidity; we are human, we’re going to disagree, so if anyone disagrees with me, you will all be told to get off your platform for supporting egalitarianism.

I’m, of course, referring to the constant and ever prevailing power the Chinese government seemingly has over every company. It has become commonplace for either a pro Hearthstone player or even in some cases, a normal sports fan to be pulled from the TV frame with the comedically large hook of a cane. Now it seems, not only are American focused sports and Asian video game players coming under the power China has over everyone, but the dullest of sports of them all; Well, next to cricket.

It all came about last Friday when Arsenal FC player Mesut Özil made the comments above in Turkish. To lightly put it, these comments translated demonize the Chinese government’s internment of Muslim people, particularly Uyghurs and Kazakhs, which the Chinese government denies. The camps, according to the government, are “transformation-through-education” centers focused on converting people from their believes and way of life to conform with a desired one. In a piece about this very topic (minus the gaming part) and what is going on in the country, Amnesty International, the human rights group goes into detail on this.

Since the German’s statement on the situation on Xinjiang, his team has tried to distance themselves from his comments. Something that has caused some backlash on both sides for the team. In China, the team’s recent game against Manchester City was not broadcast as scheduled on Chinese state TV. Closer to home and across the wider spectrum of fans, many have criticized the team for not supporting their player going forward with his statement on these issues in China.

Now with a few days for the storm to settle and for it to, “all blow over.” It seems the kettle hasn’t necessarily blown over, but rather boiled over and spilled into gaming; probably causing someone to yell, “don’t bring politics into my video games.” I’ll not link it, but I’ve made statements about that often poorly spelled comment before. Since his remarks, Mesut Özil’s has been removed from the recent installment of the popular series PES in China. He’s not only removed from the console and PC ports, however, he’s also been removed from the mobile port of the series as well.

As the Pro Evolution Soccer series is often in a spinning rotation of licenses with teams, one might assume that the team’s contract might see their return or cut. Though one does wonder if Özil’s statements come at a rather questionable time. Özil recently celebrating his nuptials this June, with one of his witnesses to the ceremony being Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; who himself has carried out acts described as ethnic cleansing of Kurdish people on the Syrian and Turkish border. This is something only made worse by the former “safe-zone” being abolished and those protecting the Kurds vanishing. Helge Braun, chief of staff for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said on Erdoğan’s presence at the wedding that it, “makes one sad.”

Of all the people to support Özil’s statement on those interned in Xinjiang, the US Secretary of State and former director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, stated it was only right for Özil to stand up for human rights. With Konami refusing to make comments to many larger publications, and Arsenal trying to distance themselves, I would assume this to be another case of China taking another win against free speech in the west. We just hope that those who make comments in the future aren’t put in the same boat of trouble.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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