To put it very lightly, Google Stadia hasn’t turned heads, it has hardly turned eyeballs or ears with the announcements. The games are still fifty to sixty bucks, you have to subscribe to the service too, and even those with good connections in the UK (200mbps or 1gbps download speeds) are having issues. It might be the step forward that needs to be taken to get “cloud gaming” off the ground, but this one won’t even see Skylab before coming crashing back down. I’ve already stated my piece on Google dropping things faster than I do when I fall over my cats at night.

Nonetheless, there are three new games on the service, two of which released yesterday and one today on the service. Let’s begin with the former. The first of which is Gearbox’s Borderlands 3, the looter shooter to rule them all. However, according to Andy Chalk of PC GamerBorderlands 3 isn’t exactly what it is on other platforms. According to the press release handed to PC Gamer, “At launch, the Stadia version of the game will reflect all updates and fixes that were released through October 24.” Though for those that still want to play the Gearbox blockbuster on Stadia, the updates and first campaign DLC will be coming “early 2020.”

If you do plan to pick up the action-packed looter for Stadia, there is a small discount for three editions of the game available:

  • Borderlands 3 Standard Edition is $38.99 USD (35% off)
  • Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition is $51.99 USD (also 35% off)
  • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition is $77.99 USD (22% off)

Next up was the 2D fighter and RPG from 2016, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Certainly, it is something you could use to whet your appetite before the release of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot next month. Though there has been no controversy over this one, at least as far as we know so far. It is also one of the Dragon Ball games I’ve missed, sadly. If you do intend to pick up Xenoverse 2 it is $49.99 USD on Stadia.

I guess we should go back to controversy as the next game releasing today on the game streaming service is the “troubled” Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint. The straw that broke the Ubisoft shaped camel’s back and sent Watch Dogs Legion later into 2020 for me. The co-op open-world shooter will, however, be using the tech to the player’s advantage according to Google’s press release. Stating that it will be much easier to know what your teammates do as the service can stream all viewpoints to each player, allowing you to see all the action on one screen.

At the time of writing, we don’t rightly know too much about how this works, or if it rightly will. All we can go on is the word of Google. We do hope they can deliver on this split-screen tech upgrade, as it would make for something useful in the otherwise questionable “advancement” the tech is bringing.

Though if you do plan to pick up the co-op shooter on Stadia, there are a couple of discounts on the three editions available for purchase.

  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Standard Edition for $30.00 USD (50% off)
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gold Edition for $50.00 USD (50% off)
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ultimate Edition for $60.00 USD (50% off)

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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