Supergroups are a wonderful thing. Collaborations between several storied musicians can produce some truly magical results. Such supergroups in the past include A Perfect Circle, Prophets of Rage, and You and Me, with dream scenarios occurring to the pleasure of many different groups of fans. The supergroup of Nothing Left consists of vocalist Danon Saylor (A Bullet for Pretty Boy), guitarist brothers Ryan and Brandon Leitru (For Today), drummer Alex Camarena (Silent Planet), and Devin Henderson (Take it Back!).
This cohesive unit has its roots in metalcore, but shifts to a hardcore sound as Nothing Left. Releasing a single in 2016 and an EP in 2017, the band was seemingly on the backburner since then; even though A Bullet for Pretty Boy and For Today are now defunct. Since 2017, the genre of hardcore has churned out some instant classics from bands like Knocked Loose, Counterparts, and Stray from the Path. Those bands tided me over until Nothing Left’s Disconnected released last Friday.
“Choose Your Side” bursts out of the gate with a powerful opening and shows the listener that the mixing/mastering on the record is excellent, truly bringing the guitars to the forefront with crushing depth. This works in tandem with the expertly-crafted riffs from the Leitru brothers. These guitar runs are enough to make one want to break out into a mosh, employing two-step and even thrash-speed riffs in the more faster-paced songs like “Dust into Dust” and “Disconnected”, the latter of which even uses blast-beats from Alex.
Danon Saylor was the first vocalist I had the guts to go up to and say hi during a show. Back in the start of this decade, A Bullet for Pretty Boy was at the bottom of the bill of a huge tour package; I was the only one in the crowded room screaming their lyrics back at them, while everyone else headbanged because they were there for someone else. Danon’s vocals in the band were impressive, showcasing range for both screams and growls. However, they came off as a bit monotone, playing it safe and sounding a bit “same-y” throughout the majority of that band’s songs.
Nothing Left, however, sees a change in Saylor’s vocal delivery. This style of vocals is now more vicious, more in-your-face, and is a welcome change from the start of the decade. The lyricism on the record is a thrill, with one of my favorites being in “Cycle of Abuse”: “They say blood is thicker than water, but your blood gets thinner every day“. This song’s motif of the same, tired cycle of selfish, destructive behavior establishes the personal connection that hardcore music is known for, a unique trait that has stuck with me for a decade.
While, like most hardcore records, the variety isn’t as massive as other genres, it’s a formula that doesn’t get old and is something that can comfortably be played front-to-back, with a tight 25-minute run-time. This explosive LP debut from Nothing Left is a strong addition to any heavy playlist, and I hope to hear more from this supergroup soon. Catch Nothing Left on their leg of the Diseased & Disguised tour, headlined by the massive Beartooth and Motionless in White!
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