The Game Awards sure is a big thing that happened, full of awards and announcements for upcoming things. One of the acts/commercials during the event was for Apex Legends, where the voice actor for Mirage (the game’s ditzy trickster) did a live motion capture to talk with Geoff Keighley up on the big stage. In the eyes of the gaming public, Mirage announced Apex Legends‘ take on a Christmas event, the Holo-Day Bash.
The train that goes around World’s Edge has been gussied up with Christmas decorations and is the centerpiece of the new game mode, Winter Express. Under announcements by Mirage, three teams of three play in a King of the Hill styled mode where a team has to successfully capture the train at the most stops. Between deaths and attempts, players can repick their character for their next assault on the train. To go along with the overall faster pace of the mode, all the looting aspects have been removed in favor of giving each character a specialized assigned load-out. This mode makes for nice, quick matches; you have to fiddle around in this to clear holiday challenges for some cosmetics.
Speaking of which, much like the Halloween event, there’s a huge assortment of new holiday themed cosmetics to grab. Unfortunately, like before, the holiday cosmetics are tied to their own specialized loot boxes that individually cost $7 worth of Apex Coins. Regardless, if you participate in those loot boxes, you get skins like Santa “Claustic” and a Gibraltar skin that turns him into an abominable snowman, so who’s to say what’s good or bad? Anyway, despite being a Mirage-themed event, the special character item you get for getting everything in the Christmas collection is some nice punching gloves for Pathfinder, like a rock em’ sock em’ robot.
Finally, the map has been updated to include the Mirage Voyage, a highly visible airship that’s full of loot which is guaranteed to be a hot dropping place. It’s full of partying Mirage holograms and one could start a huge flashy party at the helm of the ship, which can be a huge distraction to people fighting on it but will loudly declare your presence to people outside it. You are also required to start one if you want a weapon skin, so there’s some good incentive to party.
The Holo-Day Bash will be going on until January 6th. It’s plenty of time to try building up free currency to build the holiday cosmetics if you don’t feel like paying up, and plenty of time to try out the new limited mode.
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