You ever get that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that you knew something before everyone else and didn’t yell it from the rooftops? Possibly that you are meant to report on these things, get the news out there, and yet you didn’t. Well, that’s where I am now. I knew of today’s news story for months, based on a hunch, though I had a feeling this mysterious company that was trademarked by 2K would be doing something. Though trademarks on developers don’t confirm what they are working on.

However, press releases from 2K do: “2K today announced the founding of Cloud Chamber™, the newest, wholly-owned game development studio under the Company’s publishing label.” Followed by the president of 2K, David Ismailer stating, “As we continue growing our product portfolio, we remain inspired by opportunities to invest further in our valuable IP, great people, and their collective, long-term potential.”

Ismailer continued by saying, “BioShock is one of the most beloved, critically praised and highest-rated franchises of the last console generation. We can’t wait to see where its powerful narrative and iconic, first-person shooter gameplay head in the future with our new studio team at Cloud Chamber leading the charge.” With that announcement, it confirms what I’ve suspected for months.

Meanwhile, the press release also states that the studio will be headed by Kelly Gilmore as the studio’s “Global Studio Head.” Gilmore is also the first woman in 2K history to lead a development studio and her experience from working on Sid Meier’s Civilization and Starships, as well as the XCOM series, will surely put the studio in great hands. Gilmore will be based in the studio’s headquarters in Novato, California. Meanwhile, the studio already has a second office in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

The Montréal studio will be headed by Ken Schachter as Studio Manager. Schachter himself previously worked for Zynga as General Manager in Toronto. Yes, the Farmville people. He previously founded a Montréal studio, Trapdoor Inc, developing EA’s Warp and publishing Polytron’s Fez. Both are highly successful and will be leading the studio heading the development of what many want to know about, BioShock 4.

We don’t know much about it, to be honest. However, we can confirm that the game is in very early development and the studio is looking for staff to fill its ranks, something that’s in the press release linked above. Nevertheless, we do know that Gilmore had been looking for designers for about a year now. The press release also asks for applications through either 2K’s site or on Cloud Chamber’s career center.

We expect the release of any footage, screenshots, or any other major details to be a few years away. We also assume that the release of the game will be a year or two following that, possibly mid-way through the next generation of consoles starting next year. Nonetheless, we are as excited by this announcement as I’m sure many other fans of the BioShock series are.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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