It’s not a full blown remaster, but Halo: Reach has been given the 4K, Xbox One X enhanced treatment. All the updated visuals and timeless gameplay are now a part of the Master Chief Collection, and are free to Game Pass subscribers.
Back at XO19, 343 Industries confirmed that Reach would join the MCC before the end of the year. Now, you can download the game as part of the MCC for free with Xbox Game Pass. Owners of the MCC can also download the game for $10, and will additionally receive the Xbox One X enhanced version of Halo 3: ODST as well. Best of all for PC owners, the game is also available on Windows. The rest of the MCC games will come to PC as well, but the exact dates aren’t clear.
Unlike ODST, which received a lot more flack at launch, Reach was celebrated immediately. While fans missed Master Chief, the game story and structure is one of my favorites in the entire series. Even the voice acting is better in Reach, and if you asked me to play one Halo game for the rest of my life, Reach would give Halo 3 a run for its money. Firefight mode provided some extra depth in an improved multiplayer, and now with millions back on Xbox Live playing these classic Halo titles, it’s a great time to get into the game.
If you missed out on Reach, or maybe don’t consider yourself well versed in the Haloverse, this game is the perfect place to start. Reach occurs before the events of the series’ first game, Halo: Combat Evolved. The lore in Halo is wonderful, and Reach was a full attempt to go back to one of the world’s richest parts of narrative and explore what occurred. The game is nearly flawless, and the story is one of the best in the entire series.
Play Halo: Reach now for free with Xbox Game Pass. If you have MCC, the game is $10, and without anything, the title costs $39.99 on the Microsoft Store.
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