Dragalia Lost is a Cygames gacha game published under Nintendo that recently enjoyed its one-year anniversary. Shortly before the anniversary properly started, the dev team revealed details on what’s coming in the future and one of the announcements is a bizarre crossover collaboration with Mega Man that’s currently ongoing.

While Dragalia Lost had a crossover with sister Nintendo gacha Fire Emblem: Heroes and has some overlap with Cygames’ past properties, Mega Man is a plain bizarre fit. As the event approached, I wondered, “What kinda narrative excuse will this event have?”

As it turns out, there isn’t much of a plot at all. Starting the event shows a parody of the Mega Man 2 opening, revealing that Dr. Wily somehow found his way into the world of Dragalia Lost, and took control of the Greatwyrm dragons (who are bosses in the story mode). There are no other story scenes besides the epilogue, where Dr. Wily just goes home while doing that comical cowardly bow he’s known to do. Curiously, Mega Man himself doesn’t have any adventurer stories like any other unit, so Chaos Protocol, in general, lacks any story.

What’s bizarre is that the Mega Man event could easily be used to help set-up Dragalia Lost‘s main story. The upcoming 11th chapter is stated to deal with ancient androids, so the fact that an event has an android show up beforehand and does nothing with it feels like a letdown. The brief story feels like a shout-out to old NES games with how its presented, but in a game that actually has story elements, it’s disappointing.

At the very least, joining the event gives you Mega Man and you can permanently unlock him as a character if you use him enough. He is easily the most unusual character in the game so far. He is a fire-aligned wand user, but instead of firing slow projectiles, he fires fast shots from his mega buster with his equipped weapon only changing stats.


Instead of standard skills, he can switch between Metal Blade and Leaf Shield forms, whose usage is dependent on weapon bars that charge when he deals damage. The former can attack groups of enemies in a line and inflict bleeding, while the latter can create bullets that surround him like, well, a shield. Furthermore, his dragon transformation will always have him summon Rush to ride on, with equipped dragons only providing different stats.

The actual gameplay of Chaos Protocol has you fighting against the five Greatwyrms, who fight like they do in the main story but with extra attacks (like Jupiter being able to summon gears). You can do more damage to them with certain Wyrmprint equips, which are also Mega Man-themed, and have their own bonuses that will be helpful outside of the event.

After beating all of them, you can take on Wily Machine 2, which lacks an element and so encourages you to craft the best possible party out of all your characters. Clearing a dragon fight lends you a bunch of materials related to that dragon’s element, making those fights useful for resource gathering. You’ll also get screws across all the battles, which you can trade in for different materials, as is Dragalia Lost event custom.

But hey, what if you’re looking for a more challenging fight? Say no more, because you can choose to fight the Blue Bomber himself, and he is brutal. On top of the high 20,000 might requirement, he brings a moveset that’s tough to get around. He can fire Lead Bubbles that will bounce around the arena and use Time Stopper to quickly reposition himself, etc. This is where the event really shows love for Mega Man, and that love will destroy you. If you’re not grinding for resources, this fight is the real star of Chaos Protocol.

The Mega Man: Chaos Protocol event brings some interesting things gameplay-wise, but it’s severely lacking in narrative content. Still, it’s an okay time and joining the event gives you a decent unit for free after some investment. The event is going on until the 15th, so there’s plenty of time to get into it.

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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