In an attempt to save some cash, I’m trying to not buy new games this holiday season. I might receive one as a gift from family or my wife. Otherwise, I have something we all deal with that needs my attention: a backlog. With things to play on my Xbox One and Switch, plus even some real throwbacks on the 3DS, I don’t need new games. I know, I know, we tell ourselves that all the time. This holiday season, I’m sticking to it!
I’m already failing, although I still haven’t made a new purchase. Instead, I’m revisiting Super Mario Odyssey. I’ve beaten this game before, but something about the holidays made me want a classic Mario experience. Now, I’m remembering why I finished my first run in a single weekend.
The Nintendo Switch has been a major success, there’s no denying that. Breath of the Wild is likely going to be the Switch’s iconic title, but Super Mario Odyssey deserves top tier favor as well. Only a few worlds into my replay and I’m seriously debating its place in my favorite games of all time.
The 3D Mario platformers are some of the finest designs in video games. Mario 64 is a GOAT title that, even with its insanely dated graphics, holds up in its gameplay. Galaxy 1+2 seemed to really take it to the next level, after the criminally overlooked Super Mario Sunshine. Then, we get Odyssey.
Like the holidays, I’m seriously feeling like a kid all over again. I’m not going to review the entire game, but this might become my December replay title. That same excitement I felt playing Sunshine as a kid is still here. It’s exactly what Nintendo aims for in their games, and they rarely let us down. In fact, while Xbox and PlayStation console cycles have been disappointing from time to time, I’ve always been happy with the money I’ve spent on Nintendo games and consoles. Yes, that means even the Wii U was a success in my book.
I’ll get to that backlog one of these days. For now, I’m running through Odyssey for a second time. I’m not an avid 100% completion player by any means, but this might be an exception. Either way, things like Rage 2 and side quests in The Outer Worlds are going to have to wait. I’ve caught Mario fever again.
Do you have a favorite game to replay over and over again? I’d love to hear what it is!
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