It’s been recently announced that Capcom is working on remaking the acclaimed Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. The report came by way of a rumor from the YouTuber Spawn Wave, Who had investigated the remake and has stated the title is targeted to release sometime in 2020. The rumor has however, been noted to align with other sources on the project, including sources from Eurogamer as well. It also looks like Capcom originally began development of the Resident Evil 3 Remake not long after the other Remake this year.

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Although not confirmed by Capcom itself, the developer has stated it’s plans to continue pursuing more remakes in the future; and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis would be the obvious next game to get a remake or at least it would be going by fan requests.

Following the amazing response of the Resident Evil 2 Remake in both sales and performance, it would make sense for Capcom to aim for the same with the next title in the franchise. Though their focus as of right now would be on their upcoming online multiplayer, Resident Evil spin off Project Resistance which had it’s closed beta earlier this year.

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The Resident Evil 2 remake is the definition of a remake done well, and If Capcom is able to bring that same incredible and polished gameplay to Resident Evil 3; it’s likely to be another successful hit. It’s difficult to know the exact details, including the release date or even if Capcom will make an official announcement at all, but with all previous statements getting a remake for Resident Evil 3 is pretty much a given.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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