On occasion, I’ve spoken highly about the Xbox One as I’ve played a lot on it in comparison to the PS4 this year. That said, I’ve never been one for the exclusives as they are either, in my opinion, “just another bloody shooter” or still stuck in that dull brown phase we were in for the PS3 and Xbox 360-era of gaming. Nevertheless, my first piece writing for someone’s site was on State of Decay 2, a game I mostly enjoyed even if the color pallet was about as vast as a sewage worker’s boots.

Now it seems, much like everything else, the console exclusive State of Decay 2 (minus Xbox Play anywhere) has gravitated towards the point which all mass goes: The PC. However, while one would assume this would be another exclusive through the Microsoft Store, the listing for the game (linked above) is over on Steam. In a press release sent out by Undead Labs last week, the Steam, Xbox One, and Windows 10 editions will also be cross-play, allowing up to you and three friends to smack about some zombie’s heads.

That said, the studio behind State of Decay 2 didn’t pin down a specific date for the release of this PC version, as the release date is said to be “early 2020.” Though we do have a collection of system requirements for the port, and it doesn’t seem there will be a lot of wiggle room for those wanting to play on lower-end systems. For the minimum requirements, you will require an Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 with 2GB of VRAM (or equivalent) with 8GB of RAM to run it (or thereabouts). Meanwhile, it is recommended you have 16GB of RAM and a GeForce 960 with 4GB of VRAM for a higher-end experience.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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