Anthem is possibly one of the biggest gaming blunders in recent memory. How bad was it? The game went on a 97% off sale at a major retailer.

Not only that, but the version of the game on the mega sale was for the PS4, and it was the Legion of Dawn Edition that retails at $80. I’ll save you a click, it’s sold out now. It’s not fun to tease a developer that has done some insanely good work. That being said, it’s wild to think how far the public reception of the game has changed. Upon E3 previews, it topped many lists for gamers when asked what they looked forward to playing most. Now? Some on Reddit went so far to say that $2.99 was too steep a price for this game.

Anthem was February’s top-selling game, but then people started playing it. I remember getting the 10 hour EA Access trial and thinking I was ready to be convinced I should buy the whole thing. People suddenly found the game to be empty, less fun than imagined, and less expansive than promised. Then, BioWare released a number of patches that didn’t seem to make things better. Even Cataclysm, the major post-launch update to the game that made a ton of changes, didn’t improve the experience all that much.

My favorite quote from BioWare’s Head of Live Service regarding the game is, “We want to be transparent with you that we know more work needs to be done to make Anthem better.” That’s a finding you hope a developer comes across a few months before launch, not nearly a year later. No worries for the Head of Live Service at BioWare, though. The quote comes from Chad Robertson, a 14 year BioWare vet who just left his position.

So for those who grabbed the game at its $2.99 sale, I hope you get some enjoyment out of it. For everyone else, consider yourself $3 and a whole lot of free time richer.

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