Last week was the release of what is to many people, the only wrestling game around. 2K’s yearly release of WWE’s ever-evolving roster of superstars, sets, and generally stupid or weird plot lines released to one of the biggest, what’s known in the business, botch. This was jumping off the top rope at Wrestlemania 19, doing a shooting star press, landing on your neck, kicking out the pin, then just winning the match. In short, it was a mess.

While it is common for the day-one patches to fix several issues they didn’t fix while developing the game, there were so many a day-one patch couldn’t do a thing. We even saw the return of Assassin’s Creed Unity‘s faceless character models return for some. For others, it was wrestlers dropping through the floor, not physically moving while the game thinks they are, characters not detecting each other, and a myriad of other issues. This along with the game crashing often, clearly incensed several (hundred) people.

Since the hashtag “FixWWE2K20” launched a massive social media campaign, 2K has come out with a statement. It is the usual statement of “we’re listening to feedback, and we’re looking into all concerns.” What’s interesting about this statement is the second last sentence: “We expect to have an initial patch ready in the next two weeks, with others to follow.” One would assume, 2K and Visual Concepts as spending what good will they have left to try and fix what they have, though to my knowledge 2K’s 2K18 on the Switch is still to be fixed from its poor performance.

However, if you bought the game from Sony’s PlayStation Store, you might just be able to get a refund. According to, PlayStation has started issuing numerous refunds following the almost infinite number of glitches and bugs. However, in a case I’d only just found out about, for some, parts of the collector’s edition are missing too. To this end 2K support has stated, “We’re receiving more tickets than normal. Rest assured: We’re doing everything we can to get to your case. Thanks for your patience!”

As I pointed out last time, Yuke’s, the former lead developer of the franchise departed for this year’s mess. However, back in May, senior VP and producer at Yuke’s, Hiromi Furuta, stated Yuke’s intentions on setting up a second team to create another wrestling game of their own.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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