So far on my journey to discover and elevate the most underappreciated games, I have covered both the Gravity Rush series and Mass Effect: Andromeda. Today, however, I will be talking about what could possibly be the best game this year that you have never heard of…Indivisible.

Now for clarification, I was not excited for Indivisible in the slightest, in fact, I never actually heard of it until the day before it came out. I like to take the morning to search around for gaming news and find something to write about; and it just so happened that this particular morning IGN posted their review for Indivisible.

With Indivisible being a new JRPG that puts a new spin on the turn-based formula; I instantly connected with it. For the next 24 hours it wouldn’t leave my thoughts and I haven’t felt this connected with a game I never played since The Last of Us was announced back in 2011. T next day I was lucky enough that my local EB Games had a single public sale copy and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.

Indivisible is something truly special, it is a game I have recommended to everybody who not only enjoys a solid RPG but also likes beat em ups and side-scrolling platformers. When you aren’t in combat you will be running around a gorgeously rendered 2D world that just oozes color and personality. Each environment you visit somehow feels new and unique even though in countless games players have experienced deserts, small coastal towns and jungles time and time again. The music is also composed by Hiroki Kikuta who famously composed The Secret of Mana which I believe is the single best soundtrack on the Super Nintendo.

A game may be able to have some wonderful music and a beautiful art style but the gameplay is key and thankfully Indivisible has stellar combat mechanics. When you encounter an enemy your team members all hop out of your brain and take turns beating on the monsters. Now the slant that the team over at Lab Zero games put on Indivisibles’ combat is that it turns into a sort of fighting game.

Each of your party members are all tied to one of the front-facing buttons on the controller. so for example, if you wanted to make Ajna attack you would hit the Square button and if you wanted to attack with Dhar he could be tied with the Triangle button. You also execute attacks with other party members, so you can just button spam and watch all of your teammates attack with a flurry of axes, fists and arrows. All of these abilities are a beauty to behold; with a colorful and well-detailed art style combat is a feast for the eyes.

Indivisible not only rocks some great gameplay but also tells a thoughtful and at times unique tale. Yes, Ajna’s adventure may start off as a little derivative but the further you progress and the more you explore the world, you learn just how truly heartwarming and special this tale really is. I would find myself laughing and smiling throughout cut scenes, and I look forward to every moment of dialogue just as much as I do the battles, it is a wonderful balance.

In a year full of great games like Fire Emblem, The Outer Wilds, Judgment, and even bigger games like Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Pokemon Sword and Shield, and even the annual Call of Duty it is easy for amazing games to be lost in the shuffle and forgotten about. I implore each and everyone who reads this article to search out a copy or buy it digitally because Indivisible has the potential to be a classic.

Indivisible is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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Jaydyn Spisak

Secluded up in the Great White North in his tiny Iglo, Jaydyn has been passionately playing games for over a decade. Throughout the years Jaydyn has accumulated a deep knowledge on the video game industry and is often referred to as "The Harry Potter Encylopedia" This is his first job in the industry.

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