Yep, last week was the week of, “Hey, look this is a broken pile of unplayable mess that is being panned by everyone and their mother, and several million games have been delayed.” One of those several million includes a PlayStation exclusive that I’m sure many people are excited for. 2013 was the invention of the triple AAA “hairy dad” game that has since swept the games market like STDs around granny’s place. The one that seemed to be causing the mass infection of the hairy dad game was a zombie thing, let me correct myself, encephalitic fungi thing called The Last of Us.

Upon its’ release, I knew nothing about this game. I played it for several hours, found that I liked it, and years later I’ve come to a conclusion. We don’t need a sequel. Yes, if you are hairy and/or a man, you might have liked it. However, does it need another installment other than to please your mind that maybe the characters are still doing well? Nonetheless, there is a second one and it is coming next year, or at least for some people.

For several months, on every social media platform that’s ever been, highly anticipating fans have been demanding a release date for the second installment. I can’t begrudge them for being excited. However, Naughty Dog may have jumped the gun to please/stop the endless comments and messages when previously announcing a release date. In an update, the game’s director, Neil Druckmann, states The Last of Us Part II has been delayed for a few months.

The new release date is slated for May 29th, 2020. With the reasons given simply being concerns over polish and quality. Earlier today I spoke about Ubisoft delaying three of their titles for roughly the same reasons, though Sony has a better track record when it comes to their quality. I’ll say it again, a delay isn’t inherently a bad thing, quite the opposite, as it has less chance of disappointing the majority of fans.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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