I think I said it last time I spoke about Two Point Hospital, right behind me at all times is a collection of games: mostly newer, but some are older. One of those games, still playable on disk, is Bullfrog Productions’ Theme Hospital. The 1997 classic that if you were a child of the 90s and didn’t play it, I legally get to say your parents abused you. It is distilled 90s management perfection that might have aged a little bit by now. I don’t think I could recommend it enough.

So when it comes to a spiritual successor by the lead artist and producer of the original, I’m on that like a dark sense of humor in a 90s business management game. However, I’ve been waiting for the inevitable console port of this game that I’ve been told is fantastic. Sadly I’ll have to be waiting a little while longer as it was announced yesterday that the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch ports will be delayed. Not an obscenely long time, but long enough to make one crack out the Theme hospital disc, Ben and Jerry’s, and the tissues.

In the press release by Two Point Studios they noted, they want to make the console port the best it possibly can be. To do this, they are going to take another few months at popping heads and shortening tongues to get this console releases just right. The window the studio has stated for this project is the first half of 2020. So, by about E3 you should be able to cure King Complex and The Squits.

According to the team over at Two Point Studios, they have had some hands-on time for the press at their offices, as well as some time at Gamescom for the general public. In these hands-on sessions for players, they have gotten some positive feedback for Two Point Hospital on console, which suggests something is going right. However, as they state, breaking the game and putting it in three different boxes is the challenge.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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