Sometimes I wonder why foresight is named after Nostradamus, has he ever been able to tell you days before Bethesda announces something, that they were going to do something stupid? I think not. Therefore, from now on we’re going to call that something else like Barry or something; mostly because it is confusing for a dyslexic to spell Nostradamus. Nonetheless, the other day when I sat for a little too long writing about Bethesda’s latest update on Fallout 76, I was right to demonize their statements.

Over a year ago we were all promised that microtransactions would never permeate Fallout 76. Well, the good news is that now they’re not micro, they are the free-to-play mobile phone levels of electro-mugging that I’m often vocal about. While I’m vocal about this god awful pile of stupid trash, I’m often told that it is ok, because some people don’t feel the urge to instantly buy these upgrades and little trinkets in a digital game. Really, the words angry and upset wouldn’t be enough for hardcore Fallout fans in my opinion.

So what am I rambling on about? Last week it was announced that Fallout 76 would be getting private worlds, but with a catch. I highlighted the phrase “Our goal for players who purchase this service is to offer something for everyone,” because you could see where that mess was going. Purchasing and service don’t put it in enough context, these aforementioned electro-muggings will set you back about $13 a month, or if you want a year’s subscription to this online-only game that you’ve already purchased, it is $100 a year.

What does your $12.99 get you in this insipid frigid pile of bat smegma? With “Fallout 1st” you will get, a private world to play away from Spoogel0rd69XXX (with mod support coming later), a scrap box for unlimited junk in your scavenging escapades, a survival tent; which provides a fast travel point and stash, a sleeping bag, 1,650 atoms a month to use in the shop, the ranger armor outfit, and exclusive icons and emotes.

So much for the cosmetic-only purchases in this online-only game that you still have to pay for. Now, if you want to get away from 12-year-olds that will shout racial slurs, you have to pay Bethesda a bit more. Yes, this is the single-player/friends-only option to Bethesda and it is an awful idea. In the last article, I slightly applauded GTA Online (a game I hate) for its friends-only and solo-play servers being in the game from the get-go for free. However, once again this is evidence that multiplayer is one of the biggest misuses of your time, and indeed, money.

However, many other fans are upset at the news that the ranger outfit, from Fallout: New Vegas, is in the game, but behind a paywall. I don’t know how much groveling one would have to do to get out of this mess, but Bethesda better get down there quick.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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