Since its release back in 2008, people have loved Saints Row 2 for its perfect tone, whacky open-world sandbox, and fun poo-flinging mini-game. I first picked it up a year or so later, in a second-hand store in some coastal town by the beach. I got home later that night, put the disc in, and fell in love with my cockney BDSM stripper. Circumstances arose, I didn’t have the PS3 copy for a few years, and now own three copies; two of which are on PC. I had to get the PS3 version once again.
The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Saints Row 2 were both developed by a company you may know as Volition. Of course, through the years they have created several games, including Red Faction: Guerrilla, Saints Row; Saints Row: 3, 4, and Gat out of Hell; as well as that Punisher game on the PS2. It was also announced a while back that the company is working on an untitled Saints Row game for the near future. However, they didn’t port the second to PC: that was CD Projekt’s localization team.
You may have heard of CD Projekt as they released that game The Witcher 3 (which is coming to the Nintendo Switch,) and hired John Wick to say, “You’re breathtaking!” for their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077. If you’ve ever tried to play Saints Row 2 on PC, you’ve heard yourself swear at them for making a god awful port. To make the game playable on PC, players often have to download a mod called Gentlemen of the Row. Still, many players have issues running the game on PC.
Now it seems that Volition is going to fix this issue for many PC players. For some years now, it has been thought that the source code for the PC port was lost as part of the THQ bankruptcy auction. In a special (WARNING: link contains strong language) anniversary Livestream Volition has announced their intention to fix the mess of a game they have in their hands. All be it, part of that is not their own fault.
Don’t expect this to happen anytime soon. The entire team tasked with this mammoth of a project is Mike Watson (developer of the “Gentleman of the Row” mod) and Thomas Jepp at Volition, and they will be doing so in their spare time. It is a small team fixing major issues. The significant issues the two-man team is working on are performance, stability, and networking. The team is also putting out the DLC previously exclusive for consoles. At the time of this announcement, Volition has only stated their only intention at the moment, is for the Steam port of Saints Row 2 to be fixed.
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