Sony recently announced version 7.00 of the PlayStation 4’s system software. The update will mainly feature updates and improvements to the remote play functionality. These improvements include adding the remote play feature to Android devices, mainly on Android 5.0 and above. The functionality, which was previously only available to Xperia devices and iOS devices, will now be available on Android devices as well.

The update will also be increasing the number of people that can be in a party at the same time. This brings it to about 16 players, which is quite a lot for those who prefer a bigger group to enjoy their online escapades. With such a high amount of potential party members, it also helps to know the update will bring connectivity and audio quality improvements.

A dedicated Remote Play app will be available on the Google Play store. With Remote Play functionality, you can stream PS4 games to Android phones and tablets with Android 5.0 or higher. For optimal results, Sony recommends that the PS4 be connected via a LAN cable. Although those who want to pair a DualShock 4 controller to your Android device through Bluetooth, will need to be running on Android 10 Which somewhat renders the previous requirement useless for the full experience.

Sony will also be updating the PS4 Remote Play app on iOS. The app will support DualShock 4 controllers via Bluetooth with IOS 13. Facebook support will no longer be available on the PS4. As of Monday, PS4 owners will no longer be able to post their trophies or screenshots on their timelines. Sony also warns that pictures imported from the platform will also be removed. As for the reason for the sudden change, Sony has yet to provide a reason.

The 7.00 update will arrive sometime “this week.” No specific date has been given yet.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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