Capcom has a history of placing different characters in their games, whether they fit or not. That being said, an upcoming event will arguably be the strangest crossover capcom’s come up with yet. First announced during its “World of Capcom” panel at New York Comic-Con 2019, The event will feature Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield from Capcom’s own Resident Evil series appearing next month in the latest expansion of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Mr. X, rather than being a playable character, instead seems to be a skin for the handler in Monster Hunter World.
The trailer, which released yesterday, shows off Claire and Leon in a goofier manner than we’re used to. It also includes monster slaying zombies, (which seem to be just the normal monster hunter player characters but zombified) Mr X himself, and lots of dancing. Mr.X seems to be just a flat out skin for the handler with nothing added, at least as seen in the trailer. Players will be able to dress up like both Claire and Leon or boast the undead look as well. The event is also said to feature Tofu, though we are not sure if they will appear as an additional character, or a DLC skin similar to Mr. X. You can check out details yourself in the trailer below.
No further details have been revealed as of yet, but from the looks of things, as is usual with Monster Hunter World events, you’ll be getting new zombie-themed costumes (and movements) for your Hunters, new weapons, and new monsters.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is Available now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PC version is set to release January 2020.
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