The PlayStation Hits range is a strange one for me. I love my PS4 and several games on it; many of which deserve to be called hits. However, they don’t seem to be living up to my nostalgic memory of nearly every game released on the PS2 being labeled a PlayStation Platinum. I still have several PS2 and 3 releases under the Platinum and Essentials range. Though, I’m sure I covered that the last time I spoke about there being new additions to the PlayStation Hits range.
There’s not as many as last time, with only three titles this time around and one of them being fairly recent. The first of which is Gran Turismo Sport, is the only release of the series for this generation. With only about eight million sales that makes it the second worst-selling of the main series. It also features fewer cars than three of the PS1, 2, and PSP releases; and almost 1000 fewer than the last release on the PS3.
The second title also comes from 2017; and is a standalone expansion other titles already in Hits collection, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is now part of the collection. I’ll be honest, I don’t like the Uncharted series; but clearly, someone does as this expansion has sold about two million copies according to It may be great, though I can’t comment on that front.
One thing I can comment on, however, is the next title. God of War (2018) is more than deserving of the accolade as it has had everything else thrown at it like a bra at Mick Jagger in the 70s. The best selling of the three with over 10 million copies sold (just less than The Last of Us Remastered) and showered with more 10 out of 10s than you can shake a stick at; and Kratos likes throwing a stick in that game.
These three games, along with other PlayStation Hits, are available for $19.99. If you have missed out on some of these titles upon their release, now is a perfect time to go back and see what they are all about. However, this is not only PlayStation/Sony news today, Shawn Layden, chairman of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) Worldwide Studios, is set to depart from the company. Click here for more on that.
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