Naughty Dog officially confirmed that The Last Of Us Part II multiplayer will not be happening. In an interview with USGamer, lead game designer Emilia Schatz explained the decision to not include a multiplayer mode, saying “We’re focusing on a single-player experience, so we’re just making a single-player game for this,” Though Naughty Dog did not make any previous announcements about The Last of Us Part 2 multiplayer, This comes as a bit of a shocking news as it contradicts what co-director Anthony Newman told Polygon in an interview at E3 2018. A Sony representative has in fact confirmed that it will solely be a single-player game.

Naughty Dog recently responded to the feedback on their decision in a tweet you can read below:

The original Last Of Us featured the ‘factions’ multiplayer PVP mode, where eight players could choose sides in different teams to fight in the game’s post-apocalyptic world setting.

Many thought this mode or at least something similar would return. So, either plans changed since then or the statement hints at the multiplayer ‘factions’ mode getting a spin off of its own down the line?

The tweet states: “You will eventually experience the fruits of our team’s online ambition, but not as part of The Last Of Us Part 2″.  Not only that, but Naughty Dog recently had a job listing for a multiplayer game programmer as well. All This likely means the mode or something similar, will be coming back as a DLC or a spin off.  If this mode is in fact returning, odds are it might also appear on the next gen console.

Until then, We’re at least sure The Last of Us Part 2 will be out February 21st 2020, exclusively to the PS4.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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