Tokyo Game Show 2019 happened recently, and with it came lots of news on upcoming releases. Titles including Final Fantasy VII Remake were among the newsworthy subjects. New reveals included a trailer showcasing Tifa and Aerith in combat, as well as showing the Ifrit summon in action. Though the most important reveal was the new ‘Classic mode’ for Final Fantasy VII Remake.

When Final Fantasy VII Remake was first revealed, players were upset of its lack of turn-based combat as it deviated from the original Final Fantasy VII, and was considered too similar to an action RPG instead. Now, players have the option to officially switch to the classic turn-based mode. This was added as an option for anyone who would prefer a more traditional battle system.

At the Tokyo Game Show event, Square Enix confirmed that Final Fantasy VII Remake will have multiple modes including normal, easy, and classic mode where players choose their actions and strategy through a menu interface. According to game’s official Twitter account, Classic Mode will recreate the same style of turn-based gameplay from the original game. In the standard mode, characters will fill up their ATB gauge by attacking enemies, while in Classic Mode this aspect of gameplay is handled automatically.

“The player does not need to do anything and the character fights automatically, charging up their ATB Gauge.” Additionally, players that intend to use the classic mode wont have to “worry about the action side of the combat system, and can instead focus on selecting commands, making it possible to play Final Fantasy VII Remake as if it were a classic menu-based RPG.” Square Enix commented.

Players who were disappointed earlier, can now have something to look forward to; while also satisfying Action RPG fans making it a win-win situation. The addition of this mode will make the Final Fantasy VII Remake appeal more to long time fans and newcomers. The Final Fantasy VII Remake looks promising with all the details shown so far. As a long time fan of the franchise I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake releases on March 3rd, 2020 for the PlayStation 4.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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