I recently said, “Keep in mind, this is the same Rockstar that almost outright banned 90% of mods back in 2017 for GTA 5.” As well as, “Emulation is a huge grey area,” “This is suggesting that, if you are planning on playing the game you will not be breaking the law,” and, “We could see Rockstar coming down on this modder.” I said all of this just last month when this modding project was announced. A project by a single modder expecting to gain traction and some help to get the project off the ground.
Well, it seems my predictions may have come true, as a man going by the name, “Gaming that Damned” gave an update. More so a hushed announcement that the project has been all but called off because Rockstar knows about it, so much so they gave Mr. Damned a phonecall. As the interaction goes, he announced the project is “halted,” another asked what happened, then a few short forum posts later it came up. “Did they give you a C&D letter?” asked a forum user who was curious. “Not a letter but a call,” said damned.
Following this exchange on Thursday, there is the usual forum arguments and speculation on the previous comments. One going as far to state that while Damned doesn’t perceive the work he is doing as a complete remaster and just a mod, he himself stated the project was a remaster in his post. To lawyers, these slip-ups will always catch unsuspecting people having fun. That’s what Damned was trying to do, seeking to spread a fun game in a way Rockstar haven’t already. Though that’s not how copyright laws are written or perceived, they are written for each owner of said copyright to protect it as much as possible.
Despite this setback, Damned is looking at his legal options. He has also said to PC Gamer that he believes his family is being harassed as the Rockstar representative that spoke with him knew his name, their names, his address, and of course, his telephone number. This would not be out of character for Take-Two or 2K games as recently they sent two private investigators to a leaker’s home. To be clear, we don’t know Rockstar are harassing him, though we do know it was not a cease-and-desist but a general request.
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