Today at 5 p.m. CST, a Nintendo Direct will be held for 40 minutes on Youtube. Here are 3 crazy things we’d love to see but are a bit outlandish.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Tie-In with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

It wouldn’t make much sense to give Luigi a new character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He’s literally himself when he’s hunting ghosts in Luigi’s Mansion games. Nevertheless, the upcoming release of the spooky adventure game would be a great opportunity to give Luigi a new set of moves that all utilize his ghost-hunting tools. It would be a small, yet fun way to tie the games in together. At the very least, we’ll likely hear more about the game during the Direct. Luigi’s Mansion 3 releases, very appropriately, on October 31st.

Super Mario Odyssey 2 Reveal for Early 2020

Much like the Breath of the Wild sequel, a follow-up game to Super Mario Odyssey would make sense. It happened with Super Mario Galaxy and requires little development of core mechanics. Instead, just throw us some new worlds. Maybe even just add a few different characters to play as. The great thing about Nintendo is they can just simply add more content to a currently released game, sell it as new, and we’ll all buy it. I don’t think it’s greedy to want more Super Mario Odyssey, so let’s hop to it, Nintendo!

Pikmin 4 Announcement

Okay, we’re going from most likely not going to happen to darn near impossible. A Pikmin 4 announcement would be huge but likely saved for a bigger event. Animal Crossing has a cult following, and Pikmin is not all that different. The unique style of gameplay makes it unlike anything else on Nintendo consoles, let alone gaming in general. If we get another Pikmin title soon, it’ll be good news. But, a surprise announcement in a September Direct? That’s great news.

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