The well-known World of Warcraft fan site Wowhead recently reported on a post published on the game’s Brazilian Facebook page. This post claimed that any players who reach the maximum character level of 60 within the newly-revived, official “vanilla” version of the game known as WoW Classic would receive a free upgrade to the Battle for Azeroth expansion, as well as a single-use character boost to level 110.

Wowhead later updated their article covering the aforementioned Facebook post, as it appears the post in question has since been deleted. I suspect that the post’s deletion could potentially lead some portion of players to theorize that the post’s claims were false, while others may speculate that this announcement is legitimate and may have been inadvertently leaked.

If this idea of Blizzard rewarding players for reaching level 60 in WoW Classic is indeed legitimate, I have little doubt that these rewards will entice at least some portion of players to meet the necessary requirements to receive the aforementioned rewards. After all, I would imagine that thousands, or perhaps even hundreds of thousands of former players reactivated their long-dormant subscriptions to the game just to experience what Classic has to offer. I think this could be quite a wise move on Blizzard’s part.

If Blizzard actually does plan to provide dedicated Classic players with free access to WoW’s newest content, bundled with a character boost which allows players to immediately experience said content, that will likely keep such players subscribed to the game for longer than they may have originally intended. That would obviously be good news for Blizzard’s financial bottom line, as well as a boon for former players who disliked the content present in previous expansions and end up enjoying Battle for Azeroth.

Personally, I’m so accustomed to the amenities and quality-of-life improvements present in World of Warcraft’s current state that I refuse to play WoW Classic unless I’m accompanied by at least one of my friends. However, despite that, I would strongly consider making the trek to level 60 in Classic if these rewards are revealed to be true. I certainly don’t need another Battle for Azeroth account considering I already maintain two such accounts due to how many characters I have. However, I certainly wouldn’t turn down a free character boost if Blizzard offered one to me.

This is assuming the announcement is true and there will be rewards for those of us who play Classic long enough to reach level 60, however, details on how the process of how accepting the detailed rewards will work are currently very scarce indeed. My hope is that this announcement was deleted because it was merely prematurely made public, and the rewards described therein will, in fact, be available to those who meet their requirements.

As always, though, I suggest exercising significant amounts of cautious optimism until more details come to light or, preferably, until Blizzard makes an official statement on this matter in some capacity. I’ll personally be treating this matter as little more than a rumor until enough details to prove otherwise are made public.

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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