Devolver Digital is a staple name in indie games, being the label behind a whole bunch of indie hits. Right now, you can grab a whole bunch of these hits for cheap during Devolver Digital’s Steam sale. The sale also bills itself as a 10th anniversary sale as the company got started back in June 2009, but whatever. Any excuse for a sale is a good excuse.

Almost everything published under the Devolver Digital name is up for grabs. You won’t find the recently released Metal Wolf Chaos XD on sale, but there’s plenty of good stuff to get. Croteam’s Serious Sam franchise, which helped build the foundations of Devolver Digital, can be bought in its entirety for $25.28 as opposed to the $151.88 it’s normally valued at. The Hotline Miami games, another core foundation of Devolver Digital, can also be bought in a bundle for $7.48, though it does not include the excellent soundtrack for the second game.

This site has reviewed a few of Devolver’s games and they’ve generally been received well. Devolver Bootleg, a game that I personally reviewed, is 25% off for $3.74, which I say is a good price. My Friend Pedro, a recent-ish entry to Devolver’s library and an excellent game I’ve recently started playing for myself, is 25% off for $14.99. Weedcraft Inc., a business sim that’s aware of the culture and politics surrounding weed, is 30% off for $13.99. Lastly, the site’s looked at Katana Zero, which is 30% off for $10.49.

Absolver, Sloclap’s online multiplayer brawler, is also having a free weekend during the duration of this sale. Try it out and if you like it, the game is currently 76% off for a nice fair $7.49. As with all weekend sales, this sale will last until the end of, well, the weekend. There’s a nice variety to Devolver Digital’s library, so there’s bound to be something that you’d be into and it’s likely going to be on sale, so check it out while you can!

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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