Emulation is a huge grey area for us here at Phenixx Gaming. While the software itself isn’t illegal, the content that it provides is within legal parameter that’s both protected by the copyright holder of the game and (technically) not. The basic idea of an emulator is to play programs on systems that were not created for X program. Such as emulating a PS2 to play Burnout 3, while it isn’t completely illegal, there is a grey area. This is mostly done on PCs, though there are emulators for mobile phones.

According to Dsogaming, a programmer/modder has set out to recreate Red Dead Redemption for PC. How? Via the emulators called RPCS3 and Xenia, emulating the PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively. This is done with the person behind the project wanting to improve graphics, including: UI/UX menu elements, shaders, models, textures, and much more. This is proposing the idea that you will be doing nothing illegal and just improving the game overall via modding the files.

The disclaimer on the forum post states, “You will need to buy the game. And also Rip and Dump the game.” This is suggesting that, if you are planning on playing the game you will not be breaking the law, and that there is very little Rockstar can do about the mod. Keep in mind, this is the same Rockstar that almost outright banned 90% of mods back in 2017 for GTA 5. So we’re already on shaky ground with modding the game.

However, let’s suppose someone obtains the raw files and such from some websites. We don’t know if these files would or wouldn’t work, though we’re talking about someone with the capability to add mods to an emulator, run an emulator in a stable way, while knowing how to manipulate files. In this hypothetical situation, there could be a case of someone out there (no matter how small) not having to purchase the game. Generally, that’s how the illegal side of emulating works, not purchasing the game.

While you might not have to download the emulator’s version of the game, thus no emulation grey areas, there are websites out there with the pirated PS3 files. One could argue these files may work (though they may not), and cause there to be no legal loophole in this specific case.

As you can see from the screenshots and trailer (linked below), the work they have done already looks great. What’s more shocking is to know that there is only one person doing all the work at the moment. The modder asked for more help via the forum post, creating a community much like those that worked on Stage 9 (I’m not crying you are), and now The Orville fan experience.


While one does hope the legal issues are already hammered out, there is a bit of speculation for this becoming an issue. We could see Rockstar coming down on this modder, or possibly 2K taking stronger action than they did with the Borderlands 3 leaker. Though it is a strange situation that courts are not equipped to deal with at this moment, as there is no precedent set out in this case.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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